Monday, August 7, 2017

Meet the Teacher and First Day of School!

The day before school started we were able to meet the teachers for the year. Sam has Mrs. Jones for Kindergarten at Carver and Kendall has Miss Ballard for 3rd grade at Lawhon. They both seem very sweet and excited about the new year!!

Mrs. Jones and Sam

Kendall and Miss Ballard

Kendall, Miss Ballard, and Maggie Benjamin

Silly girls!!
Mae, Anne Allen, Kendall, and Willa

It's officially the first day of school!! August 3, 2017. Here is our first day picture and of course, Kathryn didn't want to be left out!!
Kendall--3rd grade

Sam and Miss Jones. He was excited about his 1st day of Kindergarten!

Kendall goes to Lawhon Elementary which is where Elvis went to school!!

Kendall with Maggie, Sanders, and Callahan!

Kendall and Miss Ballard!

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