Thursday, June 11, 2015

Itchy, Itchy!

Well, the dreaded finally happened...LICE. Yep, at almost 37 weeks gestation, I had to treat both of the kids, me, Chet, and wash the entire house (basically) at least 2 times. I'm worn flat out with it. I've actually sat in the floor and cried on several occasions.
The daycare told me on Friday that they had a lice breakout, but Kendall appeared to be fine. I immediately went and bought lice repellant shampoo and washed her and Sam with it. I combed through their hair and found nothing. On Saturday morning, I did the same thing, but again, found nothing. On Saturday evening after bath, I combed one more time...that's when the dreaded lice appeared. 3 bugs in Sam's hair and 1 in Kendall's. It was 9:30 pm and that's when the exhaustion began. Chet went to Walgreens and bought several lice shampoos. I immediately put them back in the tub and went to work. Among all the tears (and a phone call to Mimi b/c let's face it, everyone needs their mama in a crisis), I stripped beds, bagged up pillows and blankets and stuffed animals, vacuumed floors and couches after spraying them with spray, etc...I went to bed after midnight, got up at 2:30 am to change the laundry, and went back to bed. This cycle lasted about 4 days...and I'm still not quite finished with the laundry. My poor washer and dryer has run non-stop since Saturday night. I'm thankful it didn't break on me! I'm hoping we have seen the last of the bugs FOREVER!! I'm super paranoid now, though, so I'm always going to be on the lookout for them! 

Here is Sam with his blue listerine in his hair and his shower cap on. I did Kendall's like that too, but I didn't get her picture. They were such good sports about the whole process!

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