Thursday, August 9, 2018

Daddy Ain't as young as he thinks he used to be!

Back in July, daddy decided he was going to get in shape and start running! Well, you see how that worked out for him? He tore his meniscus and ended up having surgery on August 8 (which is the same day the kids started school) to have it repaired. Dr Fagan did a fantastic job on his knee! We are thankful for the care we got at the Surgery Center!

The girls in the recovery room thought it would be funny to get him a bell to ring when he needed me to care for him! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Look out 1st and 4th, Here we come!!

I know I say it every year, but it's hard to believe how quickly these kids are growing up! Sam is entering 1st grade at Carver. His teacher is Miss Roberts. We are praying for a fantastic year of fun and learning for him!

Kendall is entering 4th Grade at Lawhon. Of course, this is the school that she has been at for the last 2 years and the school of the one and only Elvis Presley! Her teacher is Mrs. Coleman who is new to the school. We are so excited for this year and pray protection over our children and their teachers!

Here is our official First Day of School Pictures! They were very excited to get the year started!
Everyone had a great first day today!

Friday, August 3, 2018

End of the Summer Celebration at the Beach

You can't complete summer without a trip to the beach!! We were so blessed to be able to take a few days to take the kids to the beach to celebrate summer coming to an end. We went down to Orange Beach for several days, and even got to spend 2 days when the Brands joined us. We had so much fun, despite the weather being a little rainy and cloudy at times. The kids loved the sand and the waves, so it didn't matter what the weather was doing. We ate ice cream, drank Coke and Dr Pepper, and stayed up too late! It was a super fun trip and we are so thankful for the awesome memories!!

I love these crazy kids!!!

I think the daddies enjoyed the big waves more than the kids did!!

Sleeping Beauty on the Beach!

The weather was crummy for a while, but we still had a fantastic time!

Gearing up to drive home! The kids didn't want to leave the Brands!